“The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible. What the second duty is no one has as yet discovered.” Oscar Wilde
Year: <span>2020</span>

Transformer model Fine-tuning for text classification with Pytorch Lightning

The years 2018-2020 have been the start of a new era in the field of natural language processing (nlp). This means that today computers can understand humans much better.

We use the new capabilities to predict from a user’s app review in the Google Play Store the star rating that the same user gave to the app.

Matrix operations with pytorch – optimizer – addendum

This blog post is an addendum to a 3 post miniseries​1​.  Here were present 2 notebooks. 02a—SVD-with-pytorch-optimizer-SGD.ipynb Is a dropin replacement of the stochastic gradient + momentum method shown earlier​2​, but with using the inbuilt pytorch sgd optimiser. 02b—SVD-with-pytorch-optimizer-adam.ipynb Uses the inbuild pytorch adam optimizer – rather than the sgd …

Matrix operations with pytorch – optimizer – part 3

SVD with pytorch optimizer This blog post is part of a 3 post miniseries.  Today’s post in particular covers the topic SVD with pytorch optimizer. The point of the entire miniseries is to reproduce matrix operations such as matrix inverse and svd using pytorch’s automatic differentiation capability. These algorithms are …

Matrix operations with pytorch – optimizer – part 2

pytorch – matrix inverse with pytorch optimizer This blog post is part of a 3 post miniseries.  Today’s post in particular covers the topic pytorch – matrix inverse with pytorch optimizer. The point of the entire miniseries is to reproduce matrix operations such as matrix inverse and svd using pytorch’s …

Matrix operations with pytorch – optimizer – part 1

pytorch – playing with tensors This blog post is part of a 3 post miniseries.  The point of the entire miniseries is to reproduce matrix operations such as matrix inverse and svd using pytorch’s automatic differentiation capability. These algorithms are already implemented in pytorch itself and other libraries such as …

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